Free Trade and Empowerment
Nyure is committed to helping as many communities and people along its path, beginning from sourcing of ingredients to its packaging, all the while reducing its carbon footprint.
"Inequality and a lack of economic mobility defines Sahel’s economy and many other economies around the world. Men and women often struggle to make ends meet despite their determination and tenacity. Most of the hardest hit are the women and mothers striving to not only earn a livelihood, but also to support their families and ensure a quality education and bright future for their children. Cooperatives are a powerful vehicle that can create jobs and opportunities for both men and women of the Sahel and as a group based enterprise they allow for a higher economic, community, and voluntary group participation." - Toogga
The Badley Women's Cooperative is located in Mauritania and the rural women there harvest three types of local fruits: Desert Date, Melon Seed and Jujube Fruit.
Nyure sources its Desert date seed oil used in THE OPTIMIST radiance face oil directly from The Badley Cooperative.
This network employs and guarantees an income source (fair-trade) to women of different neighboring villages in Morocco. They are employed both as full-time and part-time. This enables many families to afford education for their children and healthcare.
Amongst the primary goals in these cooperatives is to raise awareness about the Argan trees' importance and issues resulting from its deforestation amongst the native population. There are also many government programs set into place to encourage community initiatives. One such initiative includes replanting and protecting the endangered Argan Tree forests, which is a noteworthy step on the path of socioeconomic and environmental development.
Nyure sources its Argan oil in our Rosehips Don't Lie nourishing face oil and Smooth Operator beard oil from These Muslim Women's cooperatives in the Berber Region in North Morocco.
Nyure sources its organic tulsi from India from fair trade farmers. By purchasing Nyure Ayurvedic teas you are empowering the livelihood of small tea producers and growers. Your purchase allows the tea farmers access to credit, improved education and healthcare for their loved ones, and allows them to attain fair prices for products.